Tuesday, December 10, 2002

christmas time for capitalism

this year i've decided to be in the holiday spirit like never before. not only am i rushing around buying things, being careful to "forget" just enough items to go on a mad dash-and-buy last minute shopping trip, but i'm selling things. to be more specific i'm selling toys and some gaming books on e-bay. they're just some things i've had laying around, but it turns out that folks have an interest in, a-hem, collecting them. and to make it even sweeter, i've kept them all in pretty darn good shape. do you want to buy some quality toys at a low, low price? do you want to optimize your holiday experience? then, go to e-bay, search for transformers, look to see if the seller is manikus5, and if it is, bid on this incredibly hot deal. toys not your thing, or you don't know any cool kids? how about star wars role playing books? everybody loves star wars. everybody!

stores in the twin cities :cough: target :cough: started putting up a limited number of christmas items the day after halloween. and another store :cough: k-mart :cough: had there full line of trees out by the second weekend in november. but the best is that still other stores :cough: everyone :cough: had thier full line of christmas decorations and wrapping paper out by the weekend before thanksgiving.

i live less than an hour away from five major shopping malls, including "the" mall, the mall of america, and two bustling metropolitan downtown shopping districts. cars and buses will get you easily to all of these locations. it is hard to wake up and leave your house without spending money at a 'one-day only sale of the year'.

to make matters worse, not only is there the pressure of buying the perfect holiday gifts, but daily, television, newspapers and the radio remind us that the only way to fight terrorism is to have a brisk economy, so it is our patriotic duty to shop this holiday season! (the only way to fight terrorism except for the way in which we launch our armies against a middle eastern country until they are no longer a threat against the u.s. having full control over the worlds oil fields.) the g.o.p. would have us believe that there is nothing more important than love of god (preferrably the christian god) and love of country. just how many big business owners are republican?

we've got to stop the madness! don't buy your gifts, make them! don't drive to the mall, walk to your friend's house carolling along the way! i'm probably going to do this myself, but you know, next year...

now excuse me, i've just seen an ad for a sale on the perfect gift for that certain someone, and all i've got to do is be one of the next 25 people through the door to shout "deck the halls with x-mas booty!"