Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Weapons of Mass Destruction

I am very disturbed by the latest happenings in world politics, namely, North Korea's testing of a nuclear device. I find it disturbing on many levels.

I am disturbed that another nuclear weapon has been made, with rumors that N. Korea has enough plutonium for 9 bombs. We already have enough nuclear weaopns on the planet to completely eradicate all life and actually crack the planet into pieces. It just seems that the more weapons that are made, the higher the likelihood that they will be used.

I am disturbed that the United States foreign policy seems to be "Do the opposite of whatever we should do" when it comes to N. Korea. N. Korea wants to talk, the U.S. doesn't want to. S. Korea sets up multilateral talks a week before the nuclear testing and Secretary Rice decides to skip the meeting to spend an extra day in Kurdish held Iraq on her 'surprise' visit to Iraq, which causes the talks to be cancelled completely. Hadn't the President been saying that the only reason we were not in a discussion with N. Korea was because they needed to multilateral and not bilateral?

I am disturbed that a President can tell us to never forget September 11, 2001 and that we must be vigilant and fight terror throughout the world; AND yet, go to war on fabricated charges of Weapons of Mass Destruction, while not even talking with the emissaries of a power, whom he deemed part of the Axis of Evil, that openly admits that it has Weapons of Mass Destruntion asd is creating more. How can you forget, Mr. President?

I am disturbed that after six years in office, "the most powerful man in the free world" can still not pronounce the word "nuclear".

I am disturbed most of all by the fact that the vast majority of people don't seem to care at all. As election day quickly approaches, I know that 85% of eligible voters are not going to vote, and no matter how many phone calls I make, or emails I write, that this is not going to change. More people seem to care about Paris Hilton's latest sexploits than how or if the U.S. is going to deal with a man they have proclaimed a 'madman', who has become a madman with nuclear strike capability.

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