Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Vampire Dreams

I'm a lucid dreamer. Every night when I go to sleep, it's like laying down to watch movies. Sometimes the movies are good, sometimes not, but they are often bizarre or extremely normal to the point of being boring.

Last night, I had a vampire dream.It wasn't like most of the vampire dreams that I have, in which I may or may not be a vampire, but am always being pursued by vampires who are stronger than I am. Last night I was a vampire and I was hunting. Typically my vampire dreams are about death and fighting the supernatural. Last night's dream was about sex and voyeurism. Don't worry, it's not one of those kind of dreams, and if it was, I'd keep it to myself, or at least save it for a script or something else appropriate. In fact, I probably won't go into much of the dream at all, as if there is one thing I've learned when relating dreams, it's that no one actually cares, no matter how much they say they do, unless maybe it involves them, maybe.

Vampires are portrayed as hunters in most modern media, but calling them hunters makes it seem like it's all about the food aspect and totally ignores the sex/lust aspect. This dream and it's contemplation has lead me to use the term 'stalker' when thinking of vampires. Lestat is cool when he's a predator, but not so much when he's a sexual predator. Actually, Anne Rice has probably come closer to portraying vampires as stalkers than anyone else in recent times, but the movie "Interview with a Vampire" did not. With the exception of vampires that shy away from human blood (like the good guys in "Twilight") vampires are typically stalkers, though a few are just hunters, but more likely killers more excited about the killing than about he food. It doesn't escape my notice that the vampires who shy away from human blood as food are also commentaries on abstinence.

It also occurred to me that a big part of being a stalker may lay in the pursuit of the victims. Vampires appear to enjoy the pursuit for the pursuit's sake almost as much as they enjoy actually capturing victims to feed on.

Vampires are not nice people, no matter how good looking they are portrayed.

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