Thursday, September 02, 2010

Happy MoBeMoBeNaNoWriMo!

There are only 60 days until my favorite month of the year. I look forward to each November with a masochistic eagerness that surprises me. It's not like I don't write the rest of the year (not that you would know by looking at this pathetically infrequently updated blog)

November gives me 30 days of turning off the inner editor and just writing. Of course, starting about 12:01 am on December first, I wish that I would have let the editor at least peek in once and a while.

Thus far, I've managed to win the best of seven series with four "novels" coming out of seven attempts. It seems that I can only recall two of the failed attempts, however. That third one must have really been a stinker. Considering that I keep all of my attempts, I should be able to find it, but I see nothing in the correct folder... Could it be that I've only attempted NaNoWriMo 6 times, but its so much work as to seem like 7? Well, I'll be damned! I just went to the NaNo site, and I've only done this for six years. But, last year I wrote 97k words, so it's almost like two years in one. :) 4 out of 6 is a lot better than 4 out of 7, so I'll take those stats. And if I can make it 5 out of 7, I'll even have a passing grade.

In past years, I've started looking for ideas beginning around this time, but not this year. All summer I've been collecting things that are interesting enough to write a book on. I've got five good ideas with at least a half-page description of my story idea, and in 4 of the 5 cases, a lot of bookmarked web pages for research.
Based on my past experience, I have a decent idea of how I work, and without an outline is a sure recipe for disaster, so today I am officially starting the weeding process to get down to one idea, and I'm at least a full month ahead of schedule. I can measure out the pros and cons of each idea and still have a good six or seven weeks to construct an outline and start my research.
Research? You betcha. I don't just want to say, "Bob stepped through the arch." I want to know that the arch is the Roman cantilevered style, which is prevalent in this region of the country, and when it came into prevalence and why. If I write, "Suzi fires up the plasma torch." I need to know the theory behind it so I can explain why she wouldn't use a plasma torch to light her cigarette. I guess I don't really need to know all of this stuff, I can just make it up as I go, but that is so much harder to keep consistent, and more importantly to keep interesting. If I know how plasma torches work, at least a theory put forth, I can explain the intricacies of the device, who first came up with the idea, who first implemented the idea, etc. etc.

I'm going to come right out and say it - I am setting a personal goal of 100,000 words for the month of November. I reserve the right to lower this if I am to go somewhere for Thanksgiving, though. :) I mean, it is only fair.

My five ideas roughly break down into 3 sci-fi and 2 fantasy ideas. What no horror option this year? One of the sci-fi has horror elements, while another is near-future and very dark, while one of the fantasy ideas is intended to be a little on the humorous side and will make fun of the horror genre a bit, particularly vampires. :D
I like all five ideas, and have put a bit of time into flushing them out already, as what else am I going to do on my hour walk each morning and my two 15 minute walks in the afternoon, pay attention to traffic? P-shaw. ;)

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