Monday, June 27, 2011

Plants Vs. Zombies

I was going to watch some Swedish movies this weekend, but didn't quite get around to it. I couldn't bring myself to spend three and a half to four hours reading what was going on. But, I will still watch them.
Instead, I ended up playing a really silly game, "Plants vs. Zombies". Silly but entertaining. You are some person in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-filled world. The way that you combat the zombies is completely unlike any zombie movie I've ever seen, and I would say zombie novel I've ever read, but I have only read one, "World War Z" and I only read a few chapters because I kept falling asleep so I'm not saying it was bad, just that I couldn't stay awake long enough to get more than about 30 pages read. Anyway, unlike the common use of firearms or axes or baseball bats to deat the zombie hordes, you use plants. That's right, plants. Well, I guess you weren't too surprised since I did tell you the name of the game is Plants Vs. Zombies. You have plants that provide sun, the "money" if you will to buy other plants, ones that shoot peas with enough force to behead a zombie after a few hits. There are exploding potatoes, and all kinds of funky mushrooms (for the zombies, not you). And did mention the crazy neighbor?
It's really a silly game, but sometimes that is nice. The animation cracks me up, actually.
The game is made by Popcap, the same people that brought the other game that I play with any regularity (not counting Spider solitaire), and that is Bejeweled. If you've played this, you'll understand why PVA is so addictive that I spent hours playing it last night, and suspect that you can imagine why just by knowing that Popcap was involved.
Anyway, you should try Pants Vs. Zombies.

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