Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dragonquest (2009)

Well, I've always wondered what happened to the Beastmaster when he got old, or at least a lot older. He becomes a knight of the Brotherhood of Virtue and instead of going shirtless all the time, he wears several layers of shirts and tunics and even a fake hunchback for part of the time. I guess the animals must have all died from old age or something.
We've reached the point in movie making where even crappy movies can have half-way decent special effects. But special FX can't make up for mediocre acting and a really bad story. That's what really bothers me about this movie. The acting is, um, not great, but also not sucky. The story is sucky, however, enough so to completely eclipse the acting and the special FX. I can't point to a single part or even a couple that I would do differently, because of the overwhelming suckitude of the plot and premise. It's really annoying - the actor and/or stunt people could actually handle the melee weapons used, and some of those actors might actually be good with a good script. What a waste of time and effort.
You know, now that I think about it, this was probably as good as the Beastmaster movies. Or the Conan movies. But I think they probably had better stories, which believe is not saying much. I will give the writer credit for not copying anybody else. I can say without a doubt that this movie is not a rip-off of another movie. I also feel comfortable in declaring that I don't think anyone is going to rip-off this movie, either. Though some of the dragon's scenes were pretty cool. Certainly, the story is safe.
Also, and I've never seen this in another film, of any caliber - several characters are listed double in the credits. There are 3 that are listed by just a first name and then by a first name and surname and the same actor listed for both, so I don't think it was the actor doubling up as two characters, especially one of the characters is prominent and very easily distinguishable in the scenes he is in. Was this movie so bad that the proof-reader quit before the credits were done rolling? And to prove my point, there is no writer listed but a company. The real writer wouldn't even take credit (well blame actually) for this film.

Dragonquest at IMDb

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