Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Guild Season 6

Okay, obvious stuff out of the way first: I <3 class="goog-spellcheck-word" codex="" span="" style="background-color: yellow; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">Tink
is still cute and Zaboo is still adorable, if in a creepy kind of way. There.This 12 episode season picks up after the events of Season 5 - The Convention. Codex finds herself working at the game company that makes the game that she and her guild have devoted their lives to. She finds herself the literal "yes" girl for game creator, Floyd. Floyd is completely whacko. He's obsessive compulsive and bipolar and very likely an alcoholic. Codex gets off on the completely wrong foot because Floyd sets her up as the new wunderkind. He starts by booting the lead artist out of his cubicle after giving her the parking space of the community coordinator. It's unclear exactly she alienated the COO and the lead programmer, but she did and the foursome are out to thwart her. We soon find out it's not personal and that they just want to get their expansion out which is already way overdue.
In the meantime, the guild is making Codex's life at the new job difficult. Zaboo just literally moves in and becomes the inpaid IT guy. Tink starts dating the lead programmer. And Zork, in an effort to win back the affections of his ladylove, takes on the corporate game. Bladezz and Clara don't so much complicate Codex's life as they do each other's while using Wiggly as an unwitting pawn in their power struggle.
Add in some zaniness with the additional character of Bruiser from Seasons 4 and 5 and Zork's girlfriend Madelyne as the uber-activist. Mix this all together and it was a fun season.
But, was it the last season? All kinds of story arcs get wrapped up. Zaboo is going to stay living at the game company. Tink finally feels emotions and gets a real boyfriend. Zork and Madelyne decide to date. Clara discovers a way to make money while doing online stuff and Bladezz is finally all the channel hits that he has dreamed of. Oh, and Wiggly is in training to be and Olympic discuss thrower. Discusser? Discuteer? There we go. Olympic Discuteer. And most important of all is the way Codex wraps up the final vlog, she says that she has finally achieved all the things that she had hoped for had come true - friends, job, going outside - those kinds of things. She turns off her computer, pats it fondly and walks off. Fade to black.
It's been fun watching the way all the characters have changed. Except Vork. He hasn't changed that much over the five seasons, until maybe this one. He still gives me the creeps, and not in the funny, "this-guy-is-so-lame-he's-hilarious" kind of way. And how about that Erin Grey? Va-va-va-voom. She was 62 years old when Season 6 was filmed. Her character has a line about, "us people over 40 having a sex life" or words to that effect, and I thought that I could believe her as a woman in her 40s. I don't know if she's had plastic surgery or not, and I like not knowing so I'm not going to look into it. She does look a little older than she did on Buck Rogers or Silver Spoons, but mostly the same. I think it is more likely that she is either a) an android or b) an elf with clipped ears.
If we get a seventh season, I will watch it, without hesitation. Well, once it is finally completely out, none of this week to week wondering if I missed something or if they are taking a break. But, if it doesn't come back, I will watch whatever it is that Ms. Day does next. It'll probably be awesome, too.

The Guild at IMDb

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