Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Intouchables (2012)

I've spent a lot ot time thinking about the name of this movie, ever since I saw a trailer for it around Christmas time last year. 'In' and 'im' meant not, as in "not touchable" where the more familiar "untouchable" means that it can be touched but it wasn't. I'm not sure that intouchable is actually a word, but it should be, especially if used as a proper noun, as in, "they are the intouchables", which might describe a caste of people, etc. I've also thought that it might just be a bad translation of the French title of this film, but really, my take is sexier.
This film is really a buddy picture - two men from different worlds brought together and getting more out of their life because of the other. It just so happens that in this particular story one of the men is a quadriplegic who can feel nothing from the neck down. The two men meet when Philip hires Driss to be his caregiver. The two men bond and have a faith in the other from the beginning that allows them to get passed the artificial barriers imposed by society and just be friends.
This is one of those sneaker movies that are really a "feel good" movie wrapped up in artistry and authenticity and humor that catches you off-guard. You find yourself totally wrapped up in their lives, which are by no means perfect but handled well, each playing the cards dealt to him by fate. What makes this story even more impressive is that it's based on a true story, and as the credits roll, you get to see the real men that this film is based on.
I am so glad that I watched this film and broke my bad luck streak with "19 best movies you didn't see in 2012" as this certainly was a great movie and belongs on a best-off list

The Intouchables on IMDb

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