Thursday, May 02, 2013

Whitechapel (2009)

This is pretty typical BBC fare. Take your gritty cop show, throw in a copycat serial killer, add a pinch of new guy trying to fit in, shake and server over three episodes. There was nothing groundbreaking about this show, but that's really okay. It's a drama, but also a police procedural, so I'm good with it. The British cops handle things a bit differently their American counterparts. They show up at crime scenes prepared - their forensics investigators bring tents to cover the body if it's outdoors, anyone in the scene is not only wearing booties and gloves, but a full jumpsuit that serves to keep their suit clean and to keep them from contaminating the crime scene. In American police procedurals, the only time you see the cops or CSI break out the jump suits is if a biohazard is involved. I can't think of how many times I've been watching CSI and thought to myself, "Sure, she has beautiful hair, but shouldn't it be pulled back and under a cap so she doesn't contaminate the scene?", British cop shows are all about the authenticity, even if that means their handsome young star has to put on one of the jumpers including hood and face mask for a couple of minutes.
There are two other things that pop to mind when thinking of how this show was different from it's American counterpart. First, a love interest for the lead was not part of the story and they didn't feel the need to show him in a way that indicated anything about a relationship or lack thereof because it did not pertain to the story. Second, there are far more older characters, characters who are average to overweight and characters who are average looking but not what you would call attractive.

Whitechapel on IMDb

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