Monday, December 23, 2013

Pushing Daisies Season 1: Disk 3:

Episode 7: Smell of Success
In the continuing cavalcade of guest shots, this time we had one former bow-tie-wearing, bicycle-riding, big-adventure-having fellow. It was also one of the whackiest episodes yet, which is totally freakin' awesome.
I had become convinced that due to the shows' unorthodox subject matter and way of conducting itself that Pushing Daisies must have originally aired on one of the cable networks that can afford to put on an eccentric show because they're not trying for such a large piece of the ratings pie, especially six years ago when this show aired. But, it turns out that this show aired on ABC - I saw a trailer for the upcoming second season at the start of the DVD. Huh. Well, that's pretty darned cool.
In addition to the expected array of sight gags, was one particularly memorable verbal gag of our crew being underground in what is likely the cleanest sewer ever and trying to find the character they think is the villain, by "Follow the yellow thick hose"ing, as there was a yellow hose along the wall that was thicker than the other hoses. I thought it was funny.

Episode 8: Bitter Sweets
As the first season approaches it's finale, we see the dramatic climax approaching at a candy store moves in across the street from the Pie Hole, only to have one of it's co-owners murdered and Ned blamed for it. Of course he didn't do it, but he got to spend some time in jail while the others worked to clear him by solving the crime.
This sets up a finale that has psychopathic competitor and an unfortunate truth utter ed just before credits roll as Ned tells Chuck that he killed her father. We've been watching him worry about her finding this out all season, and of course we know that he didn't intentionally kill her dad because he didn't know how his special gift worked. But, this can't be good, but I think it will be entertaining.

Episode 9: Corpsicle
Oh snap! You know when you're watching a show and it has the feel that something big is going to happen but you don't know what it is? And then the show goes through the paces and as the end gets close you think that you were wrong, that there will be no big reveal and then pretty much out of a clear blue sky, lightning strikes? That's how I felt watching this episode. Maybe it was due to knowing it was the final episode of the season, but I think the way the story was written was leasing us towards all sorts of false conclusions, getting us ready for the big actual conclusion.
Our mysterious sewer-dwelling character from a couple of episodes is back and is close to figuring out Chuck's secret when out of pain and confusion over what Ned has told her, she decides to aid him. The sewer-guy, not Ned, that is. But of course that wasn't destined to happen, but it was resolved in a sweet way.
The big reveal at the end of the show, thus making everyone crazy for season two to start, was something I had suspected from early on when it was mentioned that none knew what had happened to Chuck's mom. Of course it had to be one of the aunt's, and the likely suspect was the emotionally distant one. Lo and behold, all hopped up on a mood altering pie, she confessed as much to Olive whom she though was a real mermaid.

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