Thursday, October 14, 2004

Final Presidential Debate of the Season

Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 saw the final debate between incumbent George Bush and challenger John Kerry. It took place in Arizona and was moderated by Bob Schieffer of CBS news.
The only real difference between this debate, not counting the moderator, was the color of George Bush's tie. This time he wore a bright red tie- the true "power tie". (Well, not according to some.)
Just as the other moderators before him, Bob Schieffer did an excellent job, and asked some great questions. Too bad the candidates didn't answer him. You can check it out for yourself at The Commission for Presidential Debates and decide for yourself.
When Schieffer asked Bush to tell a worker standing right in front of him, what he would do about his lost job, I am sure that Schieffer did not intend to clarify the "No Child Left Behind" law. Nor did he wish to hear from Kerry about compensating for outsourcing.
I guess the debates were good for undecided voters who wished to be swayed by charisma rather than content. This is as much the fault of the parties as the candidates. Each election the debates get shorter. And, we're told that each election is the most important of our generation. Interesting contradiction, huh? Maybe they are just trying to acclimate us to an upcoming news report, "Mr. Jones was appointed President of the United States today..."

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