Saturday, October 30, 2004

Last Chance

It's the last Saturday before the election. The media would have us believe that this is the real crunch time. They have polls that claim the race is too close to call, so the candidate's victory rests on any comments made this weekend.
I think this is a load of crap. If there are truly any undecided voters left in the country, I sincerely doubt that hearing either candidate (sorry Nader) one more time will matter. It's not like they've said anything new in the last month. Plus, I think it's one of those situations where you either love or hate the candidate, without much middle ground, if any.
There is only one recently added news item in the current cycle; the whistleblowing by the official in the Army Corp of Engineers on the Halliburton bid. But, it's not something completely new. I doubt anyone is suddenly going to react, "What's this? Cheney and Rumsfeld really are crooks?"
I just think that people's minds are made up and that the media outlets know this, but are so enamored by "reality tv" that they are adding all of the drama.
If I had my way, we would call the "battleground states" what they really are- states that contribute large amounts of money to the Republicans and Democrats.

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