Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Misunderstandings of a barely sentient ape

I mean no offenee to any apes reading this blog, by the way.

I was listening to a great song by Jethro Tull, called "Bungle in the Jungle", in which the lead singer, Ian Anderson, lists the animal metaphors used by his partner in describing him. This sparked something resembling thoughts in my own brain, as improbable as that sounds, I know.
What animal metaphors would I apply to myself? The first thing that popped to mind, of course, was what I would like to apply to me. While it is not actually a metaphor, "crazy as a fox" came to mind invoking emages not of a fox, but of a trickster coyote. That would be super cool, but I've never heard anyone say this about me, or anyone else for that matter. Maybe I have that '80s television detective show, "Crazy like a Fox" with the main character aptly surnamed Fox.
What would my second choice be, and this time I really want a metaphor? A former roommate once drew a comic of his friends and roommates as animals. I was drawn as an elephant. I don't have big ears, so he probably wasn't referencing Dumbo. He was probably subtly pointing out that I'm a big fat fu...er, elephant, but I would like to think that he was at least illustrating the fact that I have a pretty good memory. My memory may actually be my one redeeming quality, until I'm influenced by the Dark Side. But, I've never actually heard anybody say that about me and he was probably (at least 95% probability) high at the time. In a modest defense of both of us, friends have occasionally commented on my memory and he at least wasn't hurting anybody.
I'm determined to be slightly objective about this, giving me three alternatives to choose from - "dumb as an ox", which I am disqualifying for not being a metaphor; "big dumb ape"; and "hungry hippp".
While I am hairy like an ape, I'm not particularly strong, nor known for copulating in public. I hae also never saved a child who has fallen into my living area.
On the other option, I do sunburn very easily, eat gigantic salads and have been known to angrily charge people who have distracted me from eating the afore mentioned salad.
There we have it, clearer than even a Facebook quiz, I am a hippo. But then you already knew that if you know me, and if you don't me, you may have at least read the title of this blog - it's called 'Sweaty Bloggopotamus' for a reason.

...to be continued...


Unknown said...

Was that me who drew that elephant comic? Were we roommates? Certainly, I was high 95% of the time . . .

Unknown said...

One of the regrets I have from the Willamette era, was not once, but twice passing up invitations to live in teh Little Yellow House. :) I did kind of make up for it by the amount of time I spent there, both as a student and afterwards.