Friday, February 24, 2012

I've got the music in me

I spend a fair amount of time every day listening to music. Typically about two hours listening to tunes from my own private library, and another two to four hours listening to music chosen by others. What? Ya, my iPod and the radio.

I live in such a small radio market that I'm always surprised that I can find anything I even half way like to listen to - thank goodness for National Public Radio, other public radio programs and a local public radio station that has the decency to play these shows.
I listen to David Dye on the World Cafe when I get a chance and to Gregg McSomething-or-other on Under Currents. I get a fair amount of new and alternative music through these two programs. When push comes to shove, usually a couple of times a month, I listen to commercial radio because the public radio station is off the air for one reason or another. Oh, and on Saturday evenings when the public radio station is playing jazz.

I don't think a lot of other people are that much into music around here. I know that others listen to music, and I occasionally get them to talk about it, but it's not the high point of their life. Maybe I'm just trying to be a hipster in a town without hipsters. If I succeeded and were the only hipster in town, would I really be a hipster? Don't I at least need one peer to recognize my hipness? But, you know, what is hip? Hipness is, what it is.

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