Thursday, February 23, 2012

Misfits S3 E05

So Misfits doesn't name it's episodes other than the number, so technically this was episode "5" just like two other episodes, one each in seasons one and two.
If I were naming this episode, I would call it "Kelly in a Coma".

What Happened: Some chick swaps bodies with Kelly and said chick is in a coma. Rudy has to undergo therapy sessions and Curtis wanks off in a closet. Pretty typical stuff for this show.
Kelly's body tries to get together with her boyfriend who has said that he can't see her anymore (remember she's in a coma) so he is going to stop coming to the hospital, not to mention coma girl's mother has decided that she should be taken off life support which will result in her death.
Rudy has to undergo anger management therapy, but it upsets him so much that he splits into his two halves, and the dominant half goes back in after sending the "sensitive" Rudy away. Sensitive Rudy is hanging around outside, and after the session, the counselor is sitting in her car and crying as she has just been dumped. Need I tell you how this works out? Sensitive Rudy hooks up with her, and the next day when it's time for another session, dominant Rudy gets a hand job from the therapist and then tells her to shove off.
Curtis has found a new way to pleasure himself, I mean herself - he turns into female Curtis and masteurbates in a closet, until Alicia walks in on him (he turns back into his normal self upon hearing the door opening). She tells him that she can't believe that he's doing that, and then Simon comes in, and in a rare moment of insight figures out that Curtis was wanking off and asks Alicia why she's there.
Kelly who is not Kelly decides to keep Kelly's body, even if she has been dejected by her boyfriend. The group tries to force her to go with them, and she stabs and kills the probation worker when he comes in on them. If ever a bloke needed stabbing, this guy did (unlike the first two probation workers).
Seth, who was supposed to have been on a date with Kelly comes around and gets drawn in to solving the problem, because Alicia uses her ability to 'see' where Kelly has gone off to after the stabbing and finds that Kelly is in the coma girl's body.
So the group does the only thing they can, snag the body before the life support is turned off, and take her back to the Rec Center.
They get them switched back with the help of the boyfriend, and then Kelly and Seth kiss while the others use his car to get rid of the probation workers body.

Thoughts: Meh. No, seriously. There are some funny bits, mostly with Rudy which is surprising to me since I hadn't really liked his character much. Either one of them.
This episode felt like one of those mid-season filler episodes where they slightly advance some story arcs while wasting the viewer's time. In this case it was Kelly and Seth kissing, and perhaps Curtis in the closet - pun intended, maybe?
What is up with Alicia's power? At the beginning of this season (perhaps I will go back and write them up) she makes such a big deal out of choosing not to have a power when they all got new ones. Episodes 1 and 2 both have interchanges between her and other characters to this point. Then suddenly she's using her power, and noone, not even Simon, mentions anything about it. Not even a, "so you do have a power..." Nothing.

There are only 3 more episodes in the season, so I'll watch them, but, really; meh.

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