Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two movies

I have two movies to offer today, but it'll be short, because they both, um, sucked.

Fear and Trembling
This is a French film about a Belgium woman going to Japan to work. She works at a horrible job doing a horrible job of getting along with her coworkers. She claims in the beginning of the movie that she wants to be Japanese, and then spends all of her time being European.
This movie commits the worst sin of all - it's boring. There are moments that I think were supposed to be funny, but they were boring too.
My advice - don't watch this.

The Grocer's Son
Another French film. Yes; last night was French film night at my place.
Okay, if this film had been called The Mildly Neurotic Shopkeeper's Boring Son - they would have nailed it.
I recommend that you skip this one.

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