Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dredd (2012)

This is not your parent's Judge Dredd brought large as a reboot. There is no crazy-ass plots about a Judge, well in many ways, the Judge deciding that the system is corrupt and that he is going to bring it down. This is not a Stallone movie about a future police state. This movie is about a future police state, period. None of that showing lots of Stallone because he's famous. In this telling of the tale, Dredd never takes his helmet off. It's not about the actor at all. Dredd is the Law. He doesn't have any aspirations above or beyond that. For him, there is no above or beyond that. But, he is not completely closed minded. He takes a rookie on her assessment, and not just any rookie, one who has technically failed the exams but who is a very powerful psychic. He watches and assesses her and sees an alternative but equally as effective way of achieving justice. Dredd only acts out of character once and that is in dealing with the main baddie.
This movie is extremely and graphically violent. The first time someones head is exploded, you're like, "did they just do that?" But by like the thirtieth you're all like, "ok, I get it. he always goes for the kill shot through the head." (And yes, I always speak in lower case.) I would try and explain the plot to you, but I already did that above. Very simple movie.
The violence wasn't as big of an issue for me as it might have been, since I knew going in that there was going to be a high body count. If you're making a simple shoot-em up, The only way it make yourself stand out is by 1) awesome or unique story, 2) amazing special F/X, and/or 3) more explicit gore. They must have forgotten about 1, but were all over 3 and doing what they could to make 2 work as well. The only thing that really bothered me about this movie, was that I felt lat man points that I was watching a walk-through or play-through of the Dredd video game.

Dredd on IMDb

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