Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Silver Lining's Playbook (2012)

I had seen a trailer or two for this film, but didn't think much of it other than Robert DeNiro is now doing rom-coms. And that's not a bad thing, just something I thought. When it came into the library, I thought I would view it, but already had a bunch of stuff to watch checked out, so let it go out into circulation. And then I was told by several different people that it dealt with mental illness and wasn't your typical rom-com. Then, I put it on hold.
I really enjoyed this film. I have yet to see something starring Ms. Lawrence that I haven't enjoyed, so no surprise. I have also seen very few films starring Mr. DeNiro that I have not enjoyed, so again, no surprise. They were both delightful, and everyone else played up to their level. Bradley Cooper did a great job and really carried the weight of the movie for a good portion of it, as his character of Pat is the primary focus. I also liked Chris Tucker as Pat's friend Danny. None of their performances seemed forced which considering the nature of their characters is really a testament to their abilities.
In many ways, this is a typical rom-com, and as such is predictable in the same way that these style of movies are. But, you know what? (Okay stop reading if you don't want the ending ruined...) If Pat hadn't gone after Tiffany at the end given her that letter it would have just ripped my heart out. As it was, I had apparently totally bought in to the premise and was anxious enough and talking to the screen, shall we say 'encouraging' Pat to stop what he was doing and go after her.
One of the things you notice about the film, is that it doesn't treat the three characters with mental illnesses with kid gloves, but it's also not incredibly harsh to them. It very clearly shows how each and every other character in the film, the supposed "normal" people are less disruptive perhaps, but at least as fucked up, to use their terminology (and my own).

Silver Lining's Playbook on IMDb

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