Friday, February 25, 2005

comic books

DC versus Marvel- which publisher puts out the better work?
It's really about the quality of the story telling. DC comes from a simpler time, many of it's heroes appearing in the late 30's and early 40's and as such represent the times with a black and white view of good and evil. Marvel, on the other hand, saw most of its characters created in the 60's; a time where things were beginning to grey and the comics reflected this.
DC's stories are simple moral plays, i.e. Superman has to defeat some baddie, sometimes it's almost hard for a while, but in the end good prevails. Marvel presents more melodramatic, complicated stories where heroes become villains and vice versa.
But, following my own logic, I would have to pick Image/TopCow/Darkhorse over DC and Marvel. If you want moral complexity, take a look at Spawn or Witchblade. Even Hellboy, which is relatively straight-forward in a way the DC fans could appreciate, has a richness of character not evident in earlier times.

"Like, you know, whatever." -Lisa Simpson

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