Monday, October 08, 2012

Elementary: While You Were Sleeping

Well, the second episode didn't suck. In fact, I think it was quite good. I'm finding that I quite like the Miller portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. He has a hard time making friends, but not like Cumberbatch or Downey. He's not oblivious to other individuals, he just doesn't know how to play with others.
Liu's Watson is not like any other Watson, partly the way she is playing her, but also the relationship - Watson if Holmes' caretaker in point of law if not in point of fact. They are not friends yet, and I'm not sure that the two characters even like each other at this point. You can see the basis for a friendship, though. In the end, it will be much like the other portrayals of their friendship in that Watson likes Holmes in spite of himself.
Speaking of friends, Holmes and the police captain are friends or at least friendly. So far the adversarial relationship that Holmes has with the police he works with is between himself and the various detectives.
The feeling of watching a procedural was even more in evidence this time around, since there was no need to spend time introducing the characters. There is a bit of time spent examining forensic evidence in both eps so far, as noticing little items is kind of Sherlock Holmes' thing, so this show is like a super-hybrid of CSI, Law & Order and Castle. So far, taking the best of each of those shows. I think it helps having film actors - Liu and Miller bring a certain amount of gravitas to the small screen, which is kind of funny since I wouldn't have listed either one of them as great actors, but compared to what we are used to seeing on American television, they are pretty darn good. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they are bad actors, just good actors.

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