Wednesday, March 13, 2013

21 Jump Street (2012)

I loved 21 Jump Street as a kid. Almost as much as I mom did. I thought Johnny Depp was the coolest dude ever and Peter DeLouise was a great role model for larger boys. Holly Robinson was hot. And then came Richard Grieco with his pretty boy ways and both ears pierced. This show was instrumental in my childhood development. I am about 98% certain that I've seen every episode at least once. Then along came this movie. Until checking it out, all I knew was that Ice Cube was in it and that Depp was a bit role. I thought this could super serious like the Mod Squad remake, or totally dumb-ass like the Dukes of Hazzard remake. I hoped for the former and prepared for the latter. Good thing I was prepared.
Honestly, if I would have known that this film starred Jonah Hill, I would have passed. Everyone else in it, I'm okay with.
So, they went the stupid route counting on getting laughs by making dick jokes. They chose the role reversal option - the cool guy plays nerd, while the nerd is forced into the cool guy role, while at the same time being at a high school where those roles are reversed. It seems that should have been funnier with always going to the sophomoric jokes. But what the hell do I know.
The only thing good about this movie are the bit part, almost cameos by Depp and DeLouise, as their characters from Jumpstreet, all grown up (so to speak) and undercover for the DEA. That's it. If you think this film is a good idea, do us both a favor and hunt down an episode of the original series and watch that instead.

21 Jump Street on IMDb

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