Saturday, December 08, 2012

Machine Gun Preacher (2011)

This is the mandatory God/Jesus movie for 2012. I mean for me watching. To be honest, I didn't set out to watch a movie about a thug who found Christ. Nor did I set out to watch a movie that was based on a "real-life hero". Gerard Butler is a bad-ass for the lord. Bad is the operative word.
So, white man goes to Uganda, wants to see about the fighting in Sudan, and decides to spend all of his money on building an orphanage. Then of course there are the machine gun fights, which of course is how we get the name of the movie. At some point be builds a church across the street from his house in Pennsylvania and becomes a preacher because the speaker doesn't show up and then all the crap he sees in Sudan.
I don't really want to come down on this movie - it's about a real dude dealing with some real bad shit. I get that and respect it. Hell, I made it through all the way to the end of the film, so I guess it's not that bad of a movie. I just kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never really did. I mean people die and he goes through a rough spot with his marriage, I guess, I'm thinking there were probably a lot rougher spots that didn't make it into the movie, especially when the credits roll and they show us the real Sam Childers and everyone else and mention that he and Lynn are still together.
There is one good reason to watch the whole thing through, and that's when the credits are rolling and we're all seeing the pictures and videos of the real people portrayed in the movie, Chris Cornell is singing the song, and he's back to his routes in rock instead of the dancy hip-hoppy whatever his last album was doing. I guess for me that makes it worth sitting through.

Machine Gun Preacher at IMDb

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