Friday, December 07, 2012

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)

My first reaction was, "it was better than the last one I saw with Cameron Diaz in it". Then, I realized that I was thinking of Knight and Day, which I believe had been a Mission Impossible movie until it was disavowed by the Secretary and they were forced to change Hunt's name to Knight. Come on, who are you kidding? We all know who he is.
This movie was more about action and less about well planned out ruses than the others I've seen. Not that this earlier films didn't have their share of action, it's just that it was usually more involved with intricate and clever plans with cool gadgets. I get that the point of this film was that they're all superstars even more so because they had one equipment and logistical failure after another. I just wish that more time had been spent on the rivalry between Hunt's IMF team and Cobalt; less time running and driving through the sandstorm.
This MI film wasn't better than the previous ones, nor was it worse, it's kind of like watching a Bond film - you expect a certain amount of cheese and in actuality look forward to it (Daniel Craig's Bond withstanding). Pegg's character brought more humor to the film, and while that's appreciated, I would gladly trade away some of it for some more high-tech wizardry and tricky spy stuff.

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