Thursday, December 06, 2012

Midnight in Paris (2011)

I wanted really hard to like this movie. Time travel. Owen Wilson. Paris. This should totally rock. Yet, it doesn't. The first fifteen minutes of this movie were the longest fifteen minutes in a very long time. Then I remembered that I'm not smart enough or maybe I'm not cool enough. Well, I'm definitely not cool enough for Woody Allen. Perhaps I just lack the intellectual prowess. I definitely lack the intellectual prowess.
How many Woody Allen movies have I seen? Too many. I keep hoping that one day they will just click and I will see the true genius behind the witty banter. But I never do. I always just find it a little banal.
But, on the plus side, the music in this movie is great. It's kind of an upbeat jazzy guitar thing. Allen uses it during cut scenes and movement scenes. I wish the movie itself was more like the music.
I know that I've said that I think that Allen's films rely on banal dialogue, I"m sorry, I mean genius dialogue that I don't understand and think is banal. This film in particular though is incredibly pretentious. Again, I must apologize, I mean this film is genius, but my limited cognitive abilities can only see it as pretentious. I mean if Woody Allen thinks that he can write his normal characters, plus write dialogue that is spoken by Hemingway, Picasso, Fitzgerald and others; then he must have nailed it because he is the premiere intellectual movie makers ever.
It sucks being so stupid and uncool that I don't get how brilliant this movie is.

Midnight in Paris at IMDb

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