Monday, December 03, 2012

Wrecked (2010)

So, I think we can all agree that Adrian Brody rocks, can't we? Sure. I think we can also agree that just because a good actor is in a movie that it does not guarantee that the movie will be good. It will likely be better than if a crappy actor were filling the role, but not a sign that it's good. Can you see where I'm going with this?
She tells me, "I'm not familiar with this, but 'that-one-guy' recommends it. Rotten Tomatoes didn't like it, but 'that-one-guy' did." So, she wasn't exactly forcing this down my throat. Lesson learned. If 'that-one-guy' likes a movie, but Rotten Tomatoes doesn't, I'm going to go with Rotten Tomatoes. Aren't you impressed with me for one, not using 'that-one-guy's' real name, and two for not going agro on this dude?
The only real question is why I watched the whole damned thing, though I did start writing this while it was still playing and go and get myself a snack and opened up the laptop to move some files onto a memory stick.
I'm debating with myself, well by the time you read this, I will have already decided I suppose, about whether to critique the film, or just let it pass that you shouldn't watch it. Okay, but just the biggies.
The whole movie, but in particular the last third, the director has a hard time the narrative device - is it first person or is it third person or is it third person omniscient? It just goes from one to the next without rhyme or reason and little exposition. It's almost like someone took a class on the possible camera angles and then focused on using all of them without thinking once about how it effected the story telling.
Music was another problem. You don't hear any for the first 45 minutes or so and you're cool with it, because no music fits the story style, but then all the sudden there's background music like any other movie. It's jarring.
Let's see, I made a little promise to myself that I would only talk about three things, so the third thing about this movie that bothered me was that it was utterly predictable. I felt like I was watching some drama on television where you know the only reason they're telling you something is so that in a little while they can reveal that reality is the exact opposite. Once you've figured this out, you know exactly how the movie is going to go.
I think I've now spent as much time thinking about this as the director did.
One aside, there are only 8 cast members and two of them are named Adrian. What are the odds of that? Also, why didn't they give the animals credits? Um, crap. That's four complaints. There is a dog that has a significant role, but no credits for her.

Wrecked on IMDb

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