Thursday, August 08, 2013

The 4400 Season 3 disk 4

Episode 11: Terrible Swift Sword
This episode was a little more reminiscent of the classic 4400 because the main story had a lot of fuzzy edges, but it was still coherent. The minor story line is still Diana secretly dating her sister's very recently ex boyfriend. The minor story is so repetitive, I was bored with it last episode. My only hope is that they're using it to endear this guy to us so they can do horrible things to him.
This episode was made better by Summer Glau.
The story is getting rather complex, well, relative to this show. With Collier back and working towards a goal that he is literally willing to sacrifice thousands of lives for, it's hard to tell when he's lying because he at times is telling all parties exactly what they want to hear no matter how contradictory it seems.
Kyle is back as a player, but they're using him differently so it has not been bad so far.

Episode 12: Fifty-fifty
This was a nice season finale. They wrapped up all the season-long arcs, most of them the way you thought they would go, but not all. Some characters, particularly Tom and Richard, were asked to make the big decision and they did, even the consequences didn't turn out to be what they thought they were going to be, which is actually good since even though they were both ready to kill, and I guess tried to, they didn't. Some characters got broke in this episode and one got fixed. But mostly, the characters did what they said they were going to do which was completely expected for most, but I wasn't sure if Collier's game was straight up or not. Turns out it was.
This final episode isn't really a cliffhanger and I think one can get some closure to the series treating this as 'the' final episode - which I only mention because the library system does not have the final season so this might be it for me. Oh sure, I could inter-library-load it, but I'm not willing to spend the $3 when there are lots of other mediocre shows out there that I can watch for free. Maybe I'll just start putting in requests to the library that had these first three seasons to see if they will pick it up sometime. Of course I've been doing that with season 4+ of Doctor Who for a couple of years now and they still haven't done it. But, I get it, maybe I'm the only one requesting it (okay, so I actually know that I'm not) and they are expensive. I just need to find someone that owns it and wants to donate it to the library, or to me, heck they could just lend it to me.

The 4400 at IMDb

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