Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Man on a Ledge (2012)

Well, this was a bit different from Clash of the Titans for Worthington. While I am totally into those fantasy FX-fests, this was my type of move. A cop wrongly accused. A jewel heist. Adrenaline. Twists and turns. A hot cop. A hotter thief. Shots. Jumps. Misguidance. Big reveals. This film did okay by me.
This movie was like the "Law" part of "Law & Order" back in the day when Jerry Auerbach was still on the show, except on a giant dose of steroids. Maybe I mean the "Order" part. It's the cop part, okay. I just picked "Law because that comes first, and the cop part is always first in the show. Okay? Sheesh. Do you feel better now for making me out as some kind of fraud? They had the police procedure down, which they used to great effect to speed things up and slow them down when needed. They had a system of good cops dealing with a couple of bad cops and a cop that was made to look bad even though he was good.
Speaking of bad, man Ed Harris totally kicked bad guy ass in this movie. You hear stories about business men that would sell their own mother into slavery if the price was right. They ain't got nothin' on David Englander who is one cold heartless son of a bitch.
It's interesting watching the extras on this flick, not for their sake as to be honest they're not that interesting, but to hear the actors as themselves. Banks sounds like Mercer, but Rodriguez does not sound quite like Angie her voice being a bit higher pitched than the character's. Bell is British which I didn't know which I guess means he did a pretty good job as a New Yorker. And Worthington of course is Australian and did a good job with the New York accent. If Banks could have matched their accent the whole thing would have been totally awesome. Oh well. Her character's accent wasn't distracting, it's only something I am thinking about in the afterwards.

Man on a Ledge at IMDb

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