Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sneakers (1992)

My god, how can it be 20 years since this came out? How could all of that computer stuff seem so cutting edge, or nearly cutting edge? How could they think that Mary McDonnell's hair-do looked good? How could we ever buy anyone mistaking Dany Akroyd for River Phoenix?
What a great film. So many great stars doing their thing. I really thought that this would be a good re-watch, but mostly for nostalgic reasons than that it would have been a good film two decades later. But aside from Ms. McDonnell's hair and some really old tech, that you and I both know was already out of date in '92, this was a good film. It was quirky and a bit predictable, but how can you go wrong with Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Ben Kingsley and James Earl Jones? Then you add in River Phoenix, Timothy Busfield, Dan Akroyd and Stephen Tobolowski, and it's just a great film.
Gush gush gush.
I was watching Redford and thinking how much Brad Pitt reminds me of him in some of his roles and lilkely if this film was made today it would have been Pitt in the leading role. But, George Clooney is more erudite and could pull it off if he were a bit younger. So, my conclusion from this film was the following math equation: Brad Pitt + George Clooney = Robert Redford. I don't think this surprises anyone.

Sneakers at IMDB

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