Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines (2006)

This was the first of the Librarian movies that I had seen a couple of years back, and it turns out that I had missed the opening sequence looking for the crystal skull. So, that was kind of cool.
I was going to watch a different movie tonight, but it turns out that today is Bob Newhart's birthday - happy 82nd Bob!. Which means that he was 76 when this came out, so 75 when it was made. Dang he looks only a little bit older than my memories all those years ago of the Bob Newhart Show. Which is to say that he has looked to be in his 60s for 25 to 30 years now. Huh.
I spent the whole damn film, which is as enjoyable as the other two by the way, looking at Gabrielle Anwar. I know the back of the movie case calls her the "beautiful archaeologist" and I know several dudes who think she is super hot based on starring in Burn Notice, but I am not convinced. I don't think she's an uggo or anything. Oh my god, did I just write that? I really need an editor. No. Seriously.
Where was I? Oh yeah, Ms. Anwar. I just want to make her a nice lasagna and maybe a cake or pie. That girl could use some more food. Now, I know that she's proud of how she looks, else why would she play so many roles where she is showing off so much skin but it just ain't doing it for me. Maybe it's just her neck and her face. There is a scene right at the end of the movie where she is wearing a spaghetti strap dress and holds up her arm. I paused the movie for a minute to look at her arm. I know. I'm not your average bear. Her arm was not super thin and/or all muscular. It was a normal nice looking arm. Maybe she just has a mix of things going on? Normal arms, a sculpted abs region and a scrawney little neck and too thin face. Her abs, they don't belong to a hyper skinny person either. They are quite athletic and muscular looking like she must do a thousand sit ups a day. Funny, I didn't even think to pause the movie then. But not too surprising since I don't think she's very good looking. She could take half to two-thirds of the time she spends doing sit ups and spend that time eating lasagna and cake. Ya. I like that idea.
Also, I think Noah Wylie looks totally hot in glasses. Or at least he did when he was 35. I bet he still does.

The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines at IMDb

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