Friday, November 30, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
I don't even like Kristen Stewart and I thought this film was awesome. Like totally. For sure. Okay, I don't really dislike Ms. Stewart either, I just never got into those vampire movies she was in. Maybe if I had been younger when I saw them, like twenty years younger. Or maybe if I had been more goth, like twenty years more goth. Based upon this film, she seems to be a decent enough actor. Now before y'all start filling up my inbox with emails pointing out that I probably meant actress, I assure you I did not. I am not trying to make some subtle, or not so subtle comment on her sexuality. From what I could see she is very definitely a young woman. I've just decided that using actress is ridiculous. I never would think to call my doctor (another person who based on what I've seen is also very definitely a young woman) a doctress. I'm making a stand on the English language right here, right now. No longer will I be a slave to the small minority of genderfied nouns - it's all or nothing. Besides, I'm pretty sure that the femine form of actor would be actrix. So, all actors are actors until Nancy Pelosi is a legislatrix and my doctor is a doctrix and my dominatrix is a, er, um, uh...real and not make believe. You totally thought I had backed myself into a corner there didn't you?
You know what I really like about this movie? Okay, you could say a lot of different things, but let me tell you it's a given that I loved the look. I really liked that there was good magic as well as evil magic. It seems that so often in the Snow White fairy tale that the evil queen has all the magic. There is a scenario where the evil queen having all the magic works, but I haven't seen it in a film yet, though that other Snow White movie - the one with Sigourney Weaver - tried and failed. If the magic is only on one side, it needs to seem more like some ancient, mystical rite, not just some simple waving of the hands crap. So I thought the faeries and elves and white hart were a really nice touch. The other thing I appreciated was that this movie was Romantic, but not a romance. The first type inspire me, while the latter ultimately just point out my failings as a human being. Just let me make a quick not here to mention that to my therapist.
The only thing about this movie that I found odd were the dwarves. They were almost Jacksonian dwarves. Almost. Maybe it's the hair-dos that are throwing me off, but it seems that they just didn't adjust their stature, that through cgi they made their heads large in proportion to their bodies. Were they going for the look of Disney's dwarves or just trying to set themselves apart from Gimli and his brethren? Their hair styles seem for comic value to the untrained eye, but any of you who are gamers that read or looked at the pictures at least of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons late 2nd edition and 3rd edition books will recognize them. Did I just answer my own question? Maybe they were going for that AD&D look. Maybe they went the Jacksonian route so they could get those heavy hitters into their movie - Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, Nick Frost, Ray Winstone. Alright, Frost might not be a heavy hitter, but he's a personal fave and if you are a regular enough reader you even know why *cough* Simon Pegg movies *cough*.
And finally, we can't leave this topic without thinking about Charlize Theron. I'm not going to say anything about her or her role. I just want us all to think about her.

Snow White and the Huntsman at IMDb

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