Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008)

You know how sometimes you pick a movie to watch not because you think it's going to be great or even good, but the opposite? You pick a movie because you think it will be so bad that the producers/director/cast knew it would be bad so they had fun with it, or conversely they didn't think it was bad so they were so earnest in their efforts that it has the same effect. I think the word I'm looking for here is 'camp'. This movie ain't got it. It's just bad.
How often do I get to say that Corey Feldman was the best actor in a film? Not very often. I'm not sure if he was actually the best actor in this film, but his character Edgar Frog, the only thing that ties this movie to the original Lost Boys film, is the only interesting character, and he's not even in that much of the movie.
I had heard rumors for a number of years that they were making a sequel to the Lost Boys. While I haven't seen that film in a long time, it has a special place in my heart - the place where 80's films, good and bad, go to live in a fuzzy haze of nostalgia. These are generally the films that shaped me as a young person, but also ones that I know haven't really held up to the test of time so I don't necessarily want to watch them again. It's hard to keep the critical eye of an adult off of the film that you loved as a kid in spite of all of it's flaws. That's why sequels, potentially, are great. Advancements in special effects can improve over those used in old films, as well as updated music, clothing styles, etc. You just hope that the sequel captures a little bit of the feel of the original. Well, this doesn't. Hell, to be honest, I haven't seen a one that does. Remember Highlander? I loved that when I was in high school, but all of the sequels were just horrible. The television show had some decent episodes, but that's not exactly high praise.
This film really had the look of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the television series. Kind of. It's like some dudes were sitting around watching a Buffy marathon all whacked out of their minds and one of them said, "You know what this show needs? Blood, lots of blood." And his buddy sitting next to him in the bean bag chair was all like, "And the hot chicks should show their tits!" And the guy stretched out on the floor looks up and says, "Wouldn't it totally rock if we could get Corey Feldman to do this? It could be like a sequel to Lost Boys or whatever." And they all start hooting and hollering and someone yells, "Fuck ya!" and his buddy yells, "Awesome!" and doesn't realize the irony of the statement. And at the window, just for a second, we glimpse a silhouette and then switch to an exterior shot showing a man in a camo jacket and straight legged jeans with three days growth of stubble, wearing sunglasses even though it's the middle of the night. He turns his head just so we can make out his profile and he utters in a deep gravelly voice, "Papa's back in business." Fade to black.

Maybe they did this for the 2010 sequel, "Lost Boys: The Thirst".

Lost Boys: The Tribe at IMDb

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