Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The 4400 Season 1 Disk 2

Episode 3: Becoming
The flavor of the week this week is serial killer. Not just ol' serial killer, but one who convinces others that they're the real serial killer, and all he has to do is talk to the person for a little bit.
We also get introduced to Jordan Collier, one of the 4400 who is using his gift to get rich and ostensibly help out everyone else from the 4400. Of course, being the good television viewer that I am, I can recognize this kind of setup a mile away. We know this Collier's good will turn to no good, and then in the next season, the no good will have been revealed through some secret to be good after all. That kind of thing.

Episode 4: Trial by Fire
There's a new sheriff in town, pilgrim. And he's here with carte blanche to do whatever the hell he wants. Like you might expect this character to be, youngish, good looking, a coldhearted prick, there was something added to show us this was not the character to root for, and that something is that he is completely incompetent. He's only seeing to further his career so he doesn't think much about the ramifications of his own actions. He can't quite seem to believe that the other agents aren't lining up to back him.

Episode 5: White Light
I'm not sure if I should be proud of the show for making us think that something was a red herring but it really wasn't and therefore my viewing enjoyment is enhanced incrementally in that area, or if I should be pissed off because I'm doing so much extra work to make the show interesting. Like he can't possibly be the answer because that's too obvious, so it must be a red herring. But then towards the end when it's obvious that the red herring is not a herring of any kind and I decide to credit the director and cast for making me think that something that wasn't a red herring actually was a red herring just to throw us off because it wan't a red herring at all. If none of this made sense to you, to not worry

The 4400 at IMDb

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