Thursday, July 11, 2013

Identity Thief (2013)

I have just had the worst luck with comedies lately. I mean Ted last night, and Bernie and Casa de mi Padre last month, were all shite. Clerks 2 had it's moments and it had Rosario Dawson whom I would watch reading the phone book, but not really a good movie. I have to go all the way back to last year with Men In Black 3 to find a comedy, and that's more of an action/comedy, that I liked. Do I just have no sense of humor? Today I was in a discussion about being forced to watch Adam Sandler movies, and the people were telling me I was whack for not thinking they were hilarious. Okay, not all of the people took that position. And no one actually said 'whack', I was just trying to make them sound hipper than they are. But they really did say that his movies were good and that perhaps I just didn't get them. What the fuck is there to get in an Adam Sandler movie, particularly the older ones which we were talking about? It's just like all of those Judd Apatow/Seth Rogan movies - what is there to get? They're not deep - fart jokes, and having some euphamism be the punchline for all the other jokes - not exactly rocket science.
I just need to be more selective, or just give up on the genre. I have seen plenty of funny movies, but I guess I just don't go for the mainstream comedies. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty that I like, just none lately. Of course by mainstream I mean American. There are plenty of British shows that I still find hilarious, and most that I don't are just too weird or too referential for me to get. Alright, I, Sandy Bigelow Patterson, do hereby resolve to do better research before watching movies purporting to be comedies, and to try and watch more British movies and television shows. Of course my name is not SBP, but I had to actually mention something from the movie in here.

Identity Thief on IMDb

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