Friday, July 12, 2013

Iron Sky (2012)

This is a tour de farce that I have been waiting to see for years. Back when this film was still looking for funding, someone sent me a link and pretty soon I and all of the librarians were trying to find out what the heck it was. Now through the wonder of streaming video, I've finally gotten to see it, and it was pretty much what I thought it was going to be, which is to say it's an over the top sci-fi/comedy.
The premise is that at the end of WWII, Hitler sent some Nazis to the moon to work on a some kind of super weapon that would win them the war. But, generations pass before they're ready, and their return to Earth is jump-started by a U.S. moon mission meant to popularize a President getting ready to run for her second term. A President I might add who is never named but looks an awful lot like Sarah Palin.
This whole film is over the top, and it's designed to be that way. There are also some not-so-subtle thematic comparisons between the Nazi party and modern-day American Conservative political movements. At one point, the spokeswoman for the Moon Nazis (I know, right?) lists off their credo and goals and the President hears this and adopts the whole thing for her reelection campaign. Also, we see the oval office at one point and it has a stuffed polar bear, stuffed mountain lion and various pieces of exercise equipment in it - not exactly Presidential looking, which I am sure is the point.
It's nice to see a well-made sci-fi/political/action film that doesn't take itself too seriously. Plus, who doesn't love watching the good guys fighting and killing Nazis?

Iron Sky on IMDb

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