Friday, July 17, 2009

And that's the way it is...

It seems like a a lot of celebrities have been dying lately. Is it any more than normal? I can't tell. I would wager that it is, judging solely by the fact that NPR is talking about these particular individuals, when normally celebrity news is not mentioned on the channel, though some deaths do warrant mentioning.
But, even NPR provided a lot of coverage of hte Michael Jackson passing and subsequent proceedings.
Just tonight, they came to us with news that the venerable Walter Cronkite had passed away. What a voice that guy had. "And that's the way it is." He was the ultimate authority in the country for decades.

It's sad really that these celebrities are only getting covered one last time because they've died. It makes you wish that respectible organizations would do bios of them while they were still alive so that they could be part of it. I'm talking about 'classy' stuff - not tabloid television.

Hmm, I wonder who will be next?

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