Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Summertime and the livin's breezy

What a difference a couple of days make - Saturday it was in the high 90s and today it was only 58 degrees when I walked by the digital thermometer, and it's predicted to only get in the mid-60s.

I used to be a weather fanatic, but then I stopped. It's not that I quit caring, quite the contrary. I'm intellectually fascinated by meteorology and how I might use it to predict my own future, weather-related of course. Well, let's just say it made me even more boring than I really am, which is pretty damn boring. The decision was alos circumstantial, which I won't go into because I'm in a different circumstance now.

I decided to be curious about the weather by personal observation and careful mental note-taking. I may not know if it will rain tomorrow, but I know if it's raining now. This is indicative of an attitude shift on my part - I don't care if it's going to rain tomorrow. Rain or shine, tomorrow is most likely still going to happen. I think more likely now then say six months when a certain "regular guy" from Texas had control of the red button and was a hunting trip away from being replaced by Wyoning's own Dark Lord of the Sith.

I'm reminded of a Buddhist teaching, er, maybe it's Zen Buddhism that this comes from...anyway, to paraphrase, "When you are hungry, eat. When you are not hungry, do not eat. When you are tired, sleep. When you are not tired, do not sleep." I've also seen a more commanding version, "Only eat when you are hungry, only sleep when you are tired."
So, on a personal level, I'm only going to worry about the rain when it's raining. I don't take this to mean that one whould plan for the future and act accordingly. I just mean I'm not going to worry about it.

Today, my color is dark forest green, the shade that is dark enough it's beginning to look dark grey. Repeating dark blue was narrowly averted by an extra hour of sleep. :)

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