Thursday, July 30, 2009


The heat finally broke and I got a decent (well, I guess that's relative) night's sleep. This morning's walk was very pleasant, low humidity and temperatures in the upper 60s or low 70s. It's in the 90s again, but it doesn't feel so bad today. It's hard to tell if I'm starting to become acclimated, or if I've just convinced myself that anything 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the days before must feel comfortable.
The best part of my 'weather' day was seeing some high clouds come in.

It should be even nicer tomorrow, and I can finally get some laundry done. We've wisely chosen not to run the dryer or washer during this hot spell. The last thing we need to do is to raise the temperature and humidity of the house even more. It will also be nice to be able do stuff in the mid-day that doesn't involve trying not to move. :)

Even my computers should be happier. They are definitely cold weather creatures. In fact, when it gets above about 75, my laptop starts getting woggy and if I'm not careful will crap out. Crapping out does really bad things to your drives.

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