Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm not a religious person. At this point in my life, I'm not a spiritual person. I can't much stand organized religion, while I have oodles of respect for spirituality.

So, what exactly do I mean? Religion is a social grouping of individuals who share a similar, often particular, world view. That sounds pretty inocuous. By organized religion (a term often used which is why I chose it) I really mean dogmatic, institutional religion, you know like the Catholics or Sunis. For purposes of writing less words, I'll just refer to this as religion.
Not everything about religion is bad. You can get rich, you have unfettered access to young boys, if you work it right - no taxes, you're always right and you're one of the chosen few going to heaven.
Religion is great for soothing the masses. I honestly think that many people are attracted to religion because someone is willing to tell them what to do and to think. I'm not being the least bit fececious when I write this. Just look at all of the people that worship Rush Limbaugh or Howard Stern or Phish or Widesperead Panic. Every junior high school student knows that life is much easier if you fit in and don't stick out. Religion offers you the whole package, what to think, what to do, who you can talk to, who to vote for. Religion is probably the greatest socializing force in the world outside of the family.
Spirituality is not the opposite of religion. It is one's personal quest to figure out the meaning of life, and how to live it along the way. Most importantly, spirituality is respectful of other people's spirituality. In your quest for personal enlightment, it's perfectly acceptable to study with others, or inquire, or do whatever it is that you need to do.
I have known many Christians and Jews and Buddhists who I consider to be very spritual. They read their respective texts and attend their respective places of worship, all while keeping their mind open and maintaining respect for other's beliefs.
Likewise, I have known many "non-religious" people who are just as bad as the "bible-thumpers", if not worse. I have set through more than one evening of hearing a blowhard rant about how there is no god and anyon that thinks there is a god is an idiot (or worse).

I think about this stuff a lot. My formal training is in Philosophy and Sociology, after all. I'm sure I'll mention another time my thoughts on politics in the U.S. and there are many, many parallels to be drawn, and in fact, more than a few players are the smae in both games.

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